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رامین حسین پور

Iranian video art ‘Sculpture’ awarded in St. Petersburg


Iranian video artist Ramin
Hosseinpour’s work, ‘Sculpture,’ won the Best Music Video Animation Award at the
12th Halo International Film
Festival in St. Petersburg,
The closing ceremony took
place at the historic and cultural venue, Kazanskaya St.
Petersburg, with winners invited to Russia to showcase
their works, IRNA reported.
Hosseinpour’s video art has
been previously won awards
at various international festivals including 2022 Vancouver Independent Film Festival Award, 2022 Rome Music
Video Award, One-Reeler
Short Film Competition, International Music Video Underground, Munich Music
Video Awards, Boden International Film Festival, High
Tatras Film & Video Festival,
Art Blocks International Film
Festival, Europe Music Video
Awards, Vegas Movie Awards,
Accolade Competition, Europe Film Festival U.K. (EFFUK), Stockholm Gold Awards
International Film Festival,
Prague International Film
Festival, International Izmir
Short Film Festival, International Music Video Awards
and Zagreb Film Festival.
The video is listed among the
top 50 selected documentaries on IMDb in 2023-2024,
showcasing its international
acclaim. Media outlets globally have recognized Hosseinpour as a multi-talented
artist with numerous talents.
‘Sculpture,’ showcases Hosseinpour’s skills in composing, arranging, singing, and
playing the electric guitar.
Hosseinpour, educated in
architecture, music, and cinema, has left his mark as a
designer, educator, writer,
poet, composer, arranger,
and performer in the fields of
architecture and music. His
contributions to cinema, as
a writer, director, producer,
and conceptual artist, have
been acknowledged in the
international Euro Art House
Cinema Day magazine in Germany.
I n 2 0 1 5 , H o s s e i n p o u r
merged architecture, music,
and cinema to produce two
works titled ‘Ghanimat’ (Booty) and ‘Eshtiagh’ (Longing),’

both finalists at various international film festivals


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